


Studio ... news & views

Duo has been doing quite a few gigs, including many private functions.

We are also excited to be writing a bit of original material that we hope to share very soon ...

We enjoy each and every gig, but if we had to identify some of the highlights, we would have to include our support performances with Mental as Anything, the Radiators and Seattle Sound ....




about ... 


A father and son team of Claude and Richard Poffandi and the charismatic Andy Binder, form the nucleus of Studio Trio an evolution from the still present duo


Studio does it all

Stereophonics to Stones, Kings of Leon, INXS, Chris Isaacs,  Bowie, Hall and Oates, Wild Cherry, Commodores, BB King, Roachford, Prince, Collective Soul, Radiohead, T-Rex, Ace, Kravitz, Powderfinger, Hunters and Collectors, Santana, Talking Heads, Beatles, Creedence, Steppenwolf, Stevie Wonder and much, much more 


More than just covers ..

The musical pedigree of Studio ensures that they make all songs their own. Richard and Claude both have original material albums on digital media (ITunes, etc)


And its all  Raw & Real

no computers are slaughtered in the making of our music 

Studio Trio



Studio - Music & Pics

Please check out a few of our Videos and Music by clicking on this link .....